Wednesday, September 12, 2012

tales from the crypt

so, hasnt been a bad few weeks with the elder gentry photography... not too shabby at all.


cryptkeeper with tunes. amazing

this guy aint even that old but i love scotty's attempt of moving out of shot.

morning over the shoulder commute shot. on form even first thing. bam

at first glance you will presume this man is carrying really heavy groceries. 

he's not.

he's carrying toilet roll and barely any groceries.

like freakishly


i hope this guy is an eccentric botanist. he better be. 

this guy was so dapper. last train at stupid o clock and not a single little wine stain, sauce spot, nothing. spotless. he's either really diligent and smooth as eggs... or really boring and drank sparkling water all night.

his wife hates me. 

i'm ok with that.

i love seeing best pals at this age. i hope they r secretly off to the pub for an early morning curer... having told their respective wives they were off to the library 

rolf harris! in my brothers house! what a find!!!

sunglasses... and headphones... in a disco.
he ended up playing acid trance to my mum.

he was a little odd.

i spy with my little eye...
something beginning with "S"


have my mum to thank for helping me get this shot. he kept facing away, so every time he turned she would yell "FACE!!!"

was a great help.

this guy was outside my train. he seemed pretty excited about seeing the back of whoever he came to say goodbye to.

this guy was on the phone to the guy he is sat with's daughter... and kept telling her how much he loved her. t'was very very bizarre.

aging rocker... 8 o clock

fashionista (him, not me... clearly)

loved this guy. went to work, got my phone, legged it back down the road in fear i would miss him. 


this truly is a sport. 

til next time... 

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