Friday, March 23, 2012

you'd best sit down....

so i know, i know, huge lack of men posts.... and for that... i sincerely apologise. However, i hope to redeem myself by what follows....

i dont know where this chap was heading, but can u feel the anticipation?

this guy was awesome. at a flea market in germany, where i can only assume he purchases his impeccable wardrobe...

again in germany, outside a rad burger bar.

on the way to work. super impressed with the sharpness of this shot. lucky for him, i'm not a sniper....

this guy seems ready to ward off vampires. nothing wrong with being prepared....

left. man. not woman. 

cool busker in the tube.

this was at shepherds bush on my way to a tv studio.... (long story)

one would assume this guy had an instrument in his bag, but the way he was caring for this case got me thinking maybe he had HIS instrument in the case.... if u know what i mean.

patience is a virtue. although i lost patience with my phone. i musta taken 5 shots of this guy and they were all blurry.

germany again. cool hat sir.

told ya!

and again!

this was taken right before mothers day.... made me think who he was shopping for....

now the suns out, many a man have their pimped out prescription sunglasses handy. love it.

and again...

these next few were all taken from the comfort of a pub bench where i spent pretty much all of tuesday afternoon.

evidence of what i just stated....

loving how russell and paul r framing this chap.

loving his pants. mmmmmmmmustard.