Monday, December 12, 2011

nothing a scarf can't fix

so.... here's a few chaps that have been braving the cold winter weather. good on them!

Friday, December 2, 2011

been too long.

so sorry for the lack of gentry. i kept forgetting to bring my lead for my phone to work, so yeah.... hope that's excuse enough.

without further ado.... let's get started, shall we?

not looking too impressed with what's on offer.

this guy is a legend. true story.

this guy is adorable, and i have 2 pairs of trousers just like his...

saw this spherical guy as i was leaving a pub after consuming a Sunday roast. i felt like my belly was gonna explode.... til i saw him. hypercondriact it seems.

sent his guy many a time on the way to work but never got a good pic.... til now.

this guy was pretty damn easy to photograph... clearly.

now it's cold i'm assuming a lot of these guys are tucked inside in slippers with a Horlicks. Definitely noticing a drought in the men department. Also, with it getting darker... the ones who do brave the outdoors are almost impossible to capture on film :( well.... maybe not on "film" but you know what i mean...

2 for 1

he needs a Horlicks....somebody get this man a damn Horlicks! pronto!

SHOES!!!!   :D

This next lot are all courtesy of the lovely Traycee over in Ireland. nice work :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

time's a tickin'

new instalment...

this is a magnificent photo by steve (who's ear can be viewed left of frame)... it totally doesn't lend to the awesomeness of this guys 'tache... but we tried and tried, and after a fair few photos, u kinda realise when u need to admit defeat.

i'll elaborate ...

these 2 were the kind of "i'll pretend to be photographing you, coz he's in frame". blues bar's aren't particularly well lit for this sly elder gentry photograpgy. clearly. 

these 2 beauts are from Traycee. i often wondered why her photos always came out so well. i know know that
a)her phone is better than mine (i aint naming names, this isn't a phone comparison blog. but... comparatively.... hers beats the crap outta mine)
b)she has a cool green monster cover on her phone which just makes it look like she is a little special in the head wondering around pointing it at people. mine.... mine looks like a camera phone.

kerry sent me the one below. i dunno whats up with this guy. maybe he's dressed for halloween. who knows. 

this next one, i dunno why, but i really like this photo. i like how he's kinda trapped in the moment, with life buzzing about. 

this next guy, probably trapped in the moment for a little longer.... someone should tell him it's easier to cross a road at a crossing. hence the name.... "crossing". hope he didn't end up crossing over if u know what i mean. 

was with Traycee when i got this next guy. i literally whipped my phone n snapped with seconds to spare. super ninja skills that day.

this guy is Kris Kristofferson. true story.

spotted this guy on my morning dog walk. i dont like to think about how long he's been sat there all alone. or how long he stayed.

this guys hair.... i'm not sure if he just didn't have enough time that morning to fashion his regular comb-over.... or.... got caught in a hurricane. could be either i 'spose.

this guy was on a bus NOT headed towards any sort of airport. it was cold out. i dunno.

this guy read moving his lips. i always thought u grew outta that. guess not. bless.

got him last night after going to the cinema for a horror double bill. if he was sat next to me, the films may have been way scarier....

this guy has a dog. yup

this guy was sent to me by Anna. good job!

Friday, October 14, 2011

follow the signs

this guy has a kick ass tattoo and a kick ass hat. therefore this guy is totally kick ass. i reckon he's what Eric Powell's Goon will be like if he makes it to old age.

just the other day i was thinking of all the elder gentry i coulda shoulda photographed in Hong Kong when i lived there. and was dwelling on how the majority of my men are white. then this guy popped up! as if sent from god... or china.

this guy is dressed pretty kickass too. love it. a smile wouldn't go amiss though

another asian! i was very excited. my luck seemed to be turning.
oh, and here's a fun fact. if u go to asia, you will notice a vast amount of the population wear glasses. this is due to the fact their eye shapes can cause havoc when wearing contact lenses. (the sign made me think of this useless information....)

this guy had a kickass necklace, and probably 'found himself' dancing in a field in the 60's after consuming copious amounts of hallucinogenics. i'd like to imagine that's how it went anyways....

              this guy does not need to follow the signs to the sunbed shop. melanoma. 1 word

this guy is very sensible hiding in the shadows. 2 words.... melanoma / vampire

 i don't know what to comment on this guy, other than i highly doubt and am highly dubious that his trolley is as heavy as his facial expressions lead me to believe....

such a shame this is so blurry. i loved this guy. he also made me realise that keeping your head down doesn't actually make u invisible. my... how wrong i've been all these years...

this guy needs no information on how to dress. thats for sure...

shame the blur doesn't capture the awesome meticulous effort this guy put into his combover. 

dont go into the light. it's not your time.

ha, loving the "no cash?" sign next to this guy. 

and lastly, this is seemingly how my phone interprets the outside world after having 4 hours of tattooing on my back, a valium or 2, and some pints after. we r connected. thanks blackberry